Can I transfer my Android app to a different device?

  • Android to iPhone/iPad


iPhone/iPad Apps are only distributed through the iTunes App StoreIn order to download and install the application on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, you must purchase the App directly through the iTunes App Store. However, if your app is Subscription based, we would be able to add the time remaining on your current Android subscription to your new iPhone subscription after you purchase the app.


  • Android to Blackberry


Blackberry Apps are only distributed through Blackberry App World. In order to download and install an app on your Blackberry device, you would need to purchase it through Blackberry App World. However, if your app is Subscription based, we would be able to add the time remaining on your current Android subscription to your new Blackberry subscription after you purchase the app.


  • Android to Web 


For Tarascon Pharmacopoeia and Tarascon Primary Care, we can convert your current iPhone subscription to a Web Edition subscription which you can connect to from any internet enabled device via the Web, including your iPhone/iPad or Blackberry Device. 

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