Un-installing and Re-installing an app

Please refer to this link if you are Downloading an app for the first time .

If you are having issues with your USBMIS mobile app, simply reinstall the application to your Blackberry device.


To Un-install an application from your BlackBerry device: 

  1. Open "Options" on your BlackBerry.
  2. Select "Advanced Options" and then "Applications".
  3. Scroll down and highlight the program's name.
  4. Push the BlackBerry Menu Key and then select "Delete".
  5. Then select "Delete" in the confirmation screen.

To Download the application to your Blackberry device again:

  1.  Open BlackBerry App World.
  2. Select the My World icon.
  3. Press the Menu key, then click Login.
  4. Log in using the appropriate BlackBerry ID account, if you do not already have a BlackBerry ID, you can create one from the link at the top of the login screen.Note: If you are using BlackBerry App World 1, you will need to login with your PayPal® user name and password instead.
  5. Select the application to install.
  6. Press the Menu key, then click Install.
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