
You have 15 minutes from the time of download to return an application purchased through the Play Store for a full refund. You may only return a given application once; if you subsequently purchase the same app again, you may not return it a second time.

How to return an app within the 15 minute return period:

  1. Launch Play Store on your device
  2. Select Menu > My Apps
  3. Select the app you'd like to return
    • If the 15 minute refund window has not yet passed, the app is eligible for return and will have two buttons saying Open or Refund
  4. Select the Refund option
    • The Refund button will now say Uninstall. Press Uninstall to remove the app from your device and initiate the refund.
    • After the 15 minute return period has expired, the Refund option will not be available. Selecting the Uninstall button at this point will simply remove the application from your device. More about uninstalling purchased applications.

After the 15 minute return period:

If you're unsatisfied with an application after the 15 minute return period has expired, we recommend contacting us at

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