Un-installing and Re-installing an app

Please refer to this link if you are Downloading an app for the first time .


To Un-install an application from your Android device:

  1. Open all apps.
  2. Tap on the Settings icon and select Apps
  3. You will be presented with a list of applications you have installed.
  4. Select the application you want to uninstall, and click the Uninstall button.
To Download the application to your device again:
  1. Open the Play Store application in the Applications menu.
  2. Make sure you sign into your device with the same Google Account you used on your previous phone.
  3. Press the Menu key then select the My Apps option. 
  4. Click on the application you want to install.
  5. To install it, just click on the Install button. 
  6. Click on OK to finish installing the application.
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